07 February 2012


© Farouk Asvat  

There's one of two possibilities
Either they find you or they don't
If they don't it's ok
But if they find you
There's one of two possibilities
Either they let you go or they ban you
If they let you go it's ok
But if they ban you
There's one of two possibilities
Either you break your ban or you don't
If you don't it's ok
But if you break your ban
There's one of two possibilities
Either they find out or they don't
If they don't it's ok
But if they find out
There's one of two possibilities
Either they find you guilty or notguilty
If they find you notguilty it's ok
But if they find you guilty
There's one of two possibilities
Either they suspend your sentence or they jail you
If they suspend your sentence it's ok
But if they jail you
There's one of two possibilities
Either they release you
Or you fall from the tenth floor

© farouk asvat

+ #french #translation + #turkish #translation 

composed: 04.09.1973 [johannesburg, south africa under apartheid]
SBs: Security Branch, referring to the South African Security Police under the South African apartheid regime,
           operating like the Nazi SS, KGB, Stasi, CIA/FBI and Shin Bet/Mossad. 

"Asvat's poem (Possibilities for a Man Hunted by SBs) is a clear and simple statement
  of the true state of affairs ... reducible to mathematical terms." 
     • Mbulelo Mzamane, Perspectives On South African English Literature 
[] acknowledgements:
Possibilities For A Man Hunted By SBs: was previously published in:
The Time Of Our Lives (black thoughts publications, p19, 1982);
Praxis #4-6 (UCLA, Los Angeles, USA, p27, 1978);
Staffrider 2(3) (Ravan, Johannesburg, p31, July/August 1979);
Gar 34 (University of Texas, USA, p24, April 1980);
Index on Censorship 9(3) (London, UK, p27, June 1980);
International Portland Review (Portland, USA, p331, 1980);
Reconstruction, ed M Mutloase (Ravan, p42, 1981);
Western Areas Table Tennis Association (backcover, 1981);
Voices from Within, ed M Chapman (donker, p143, 1982);
Sunday Times extra (Durban, p6, 13.02.1983);
South Africa, The Privileged and the Dispossessed 12, ed F Schöning (Paderborn, Germany, p370, 1985);
Afrique du Sud (Demain le Feu, Les Temps Modernes, Juin-Juillet-Aout 480-481, p183, 1986):
     (De Deux Choses L’Une: French translation by Jacques Alvarez-Pereyre);
The Paperback of South African English Poetry, ed M Chapman (donker, p240, 1986);
The Race Today Review 17(1) (London, UK, p30, Feb 1986);
New Inscapes, ed R Malan (Oxford University Press, p230, 1986);
SudAfrika-Stipediensfonds 35 (SASF, Tubingen, Germany, p13, December 1987);
Dokumente Texte und Tendenzen VIII Reader (Evangelische Akademie, Germany, p34, 1987);
A Celebration of Flames (Heller Fund, UC Berkeley, USA, p9, 1988);
Perspectives 5: South Africa, ed K Sondheim [text + cassette recording]:
     (Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany, p31, 1988);
Ourselves in Southern Africa: an anthology of southern african writing,
     ed R Malan (Macmillan, London, UK, p177, 1988);
Ten Years of Staffrider 7(3&4), ed AW Oliphant & I Vladislavic (Staffrider, Ravan, p218, 1988);
Illuminations 8 (Rathasker Press, Charleston, S Carolina, USA, p10, 1989);
The Berkeley Poetry Review (UC Berkeley, California, USA, #23/24, p128, 1990);
New Inscapes supplement, ed R Malan (Oxford University Press, p230, 1991);
A New University Anthology of English Poetry, ed MC Anderson, Kossick, Perreira
     (Oxford University Press, p270, 1993);
The Lonely Art: an anthology of poems, ed AG Ullyat (Academica, Pretoria, p2, 1993);
Dramatisation by: Performing Arts Council of the Transvaal (June 1995 & Dec 1995);
Poetry 2000 (Hodder & Stoughton, p209, 1996);
Worldscapes, ed R Malan (Oxford University Press, p230, 1997);
The Living Tradition, ed S Joubert (Maskew Miller, p`, 2006);
Voices From All Over ed R Kozain (Oxford University Press, p128, 2007);
The Jo'burg Book: A Guide to the City's History, People and Places, ed Nechama Brodie (PanMacmillan, p91, 2008);
Introduction to Law and Legal Skills, ed Tracy Humby, et al, (Oxford University Press, p229, 2012);
Inleiding Tot Die Reg En Regsvaardighede in Suid-Afrika, ed Tracy Humby, et al,
     (Oxford University Press, p247-248, 2012).
SB’lerin İzlediği Bir Adam İçin İhtimaller: trans by İlyas Tunç: Contemporary South African Poetry Anthology,
     Çağdaş Güney Afrïka Şïrï Antolojïsï (Bencekitap Publishing, Istanbul, p235, 2013);
The Time Of Our Lives (piquant publications, p10, 2007);
The Time Of Our Lives (kindle, 2014);
The Time Of Our Lives (amazon paperback, p10, 2014).

Farouk Asvat in Johannesburg in the waning days of apartheid (video):
farouk asvat interviewed & reciting:
     Possibilities For A Man Hunted By SBs
     And The Night
(© ds black 1992, uploaded 23 april 2016).

Possibilities For A Man Hunted By SBs (video):
farouk asvat reciting:
     Possibilities For A Man Hunted By SBs
charles braam, rotterdam, 1988).

A Morte De Steve Biko (video):
     • The Death Of Steve Biko translated into Portuguese and put to music. 
[* poem recorded and sold by Anibal Werneck de Freitas
    without permission, in contravention of copyright; and without payment.

Poetry of the People (video):
farouk asvat interviewed & reciting:
     • It Is The Season Of Dying
(ed. Diana Simson, Sached, Cape Town, March 1987).

South African Black Poets (video):
farouk asvat interviewed & reciting poems;
(ed. Bridget Thompson, Sached, 1987).

German Studio recording: (audio):
farouk asvat reciting:
     • Possibilities For A Man Hunted By SBs
     • The Death Of Steve Biko
     • Massacre At Sharpeville
(Perspectives 5: South Africa, ed Kurt Sontheim, teacher's text + cassette recording # 8,
 Ernst Klett Verlag, Stuttgart, Germany, 1988).
[§] Books by Farouk Asvat:

Sadness In The House Of Love (novel)
The Gathering Of The Storm (novel)
I Dream In Long Sentences (poetry)
The Wind Still Sings Sad Songs (poetry)
A Celebration Of Flames (poetry)
The Time Of Our Lives (poetry)
This Masquerade (short stories)
Bra Frooks … (poetry)*
The Paanies Are Coming (short stories)*
In The House Of Love (novel)*
Weapons Of Words (comparative literature & literary criticism)

¨ all my books are now available on amazon: in paperback & kindle
ce qu’un homme peut faire lorsqu’il est
pourchassé par la police politique  

     French translation by © Jacques Alvarez-Pereyre  

De deux choses l’une,
Ou ils vous trouvent, ou ils ne vous trouvent pas.
S’ils ne vous trouvent pas, parfait,
Mais s’ils vous trouvent
De deux choses l’une,
Ou ils vous relâchent, ou ils vous assignent à résidence.
S’ils vous relâchent, aucun problème,
Mais s’ils vous assignent à résidence
De deux choses l’une :
Ou vous passez outre, ou vous respectez l’assignation.
Si vous la respectez, aucun problème,
Mais si vous ne la respectez pas,
De deux choses l’une :
Ils vous trouvent ou ils ne vous trouvent pas.
Dans ce cas, pas de problème,
Mais s’ils vous trouvent
De deux choses l’une :
Ils vous déclarent coupable, ou alors vous vous en tirez.
Si tel est le cas, parfait,
Mais s’ils vous déclarent coupable,
De deux choses l’une :
Ou vous bénéficiez d’un sursis, ou ils vous emprisonnent.
Si vous bénéficiez d’un sursis, parfait !
Mais s’ils vous emprisonnent, de deux choses l’une :
Ou ils vous remettent en liberté
- ou vous tombez du dixième étage.

     published in Afrique du Sud:
          (Les Temps Modernes, Demain le Feu, Juin Juillet Août, p183, 1986).

     French translation by kind permission of © Jacques Alvarez-Pereyre
SB’lerin İzlediği Bir Adam İçin İhtimaller  

     Turkish translation by © İlyas Tunç  

İki ihtimalden biri
Ya bulurlar sizi ya bulamazlar
Bulamazlarsa tamam
Ama bulurlarsa
İki ihtimalden biri
Ya aldırmazlar ya yasak koyarlar
Aldırmazlarsa tamam
Ama yasak koyarlarsa
İki ihtimalden biri
Ya kırarsınız yasağı ya kırmazsınız
Kırmazsanız tamam
Ama kırarsanız
İki ihtimalden biri
Ya öğrenirler bunu ya öğrenemezler
Öğrenemezlerse tamam
Ama öğrenirlerse
İki ihtimalden biri
Ya suçlu bulunursunuz ya suçsuz
Suçsuz bulunursanız tamam
Ama suçlu bulunursanız
İki ihtimalden biri
Ya ertelerler cezanızı ya tutuklarlar
Ertelerlerse tamam
Ama tutuklarlarsa
İki ihtimalden biri
Ya salıverirler sizi
Ya da düşersiniz onuncu kattan

     Turkish translation by kind permission of © İlyas Tunç
© farouk asvat.  All rights reserved.
Farouk Asvat asserts his moral right to be identified as the author of this work.
No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means whatsoever, or transmitted in any form or any means whatsoever, mechanical or electronic, including recording, printing, photocopying, or via any computerised means or media, including the internet.  This publication shall also not be stored in a retrieval system.  And the writing shall not be sold, lent, hired, resold or circulated in any form or binding or cover other than that in which it is published,
without the prior permission of the author in writing.
Permission to publish or reproduce the writings in any format can be obtained from the author.
Reproduction of this work without permission, except for scholarly & nonprofit purposes,
is liable to a payment of 10, 000 ren men bi or US$ 1,500.

the NOVEL Sadness In The House Of Love by Farouk Asvat
is now available on amazon: in paperback @ $15 & kindle @ only $5

#love #literature #fiction #novel #poetry #southafrica #apartheid #books #classics
#faroukasvat #weapons #of #words #comparative #literature #literary #criticism
#the #time #of #our #lives #possibilities #for #a #man #hunted #by #sbs 
+ #french #translation + #turkish #translation 

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