13 November 2012


© Farouk Asvat  

There is too much to leave
The blood of growing up
The call of the ancestors
The longing for your hardened tones
The feel of cinnamon loam

     But the sea keeps whispering
     And the banjo keeps strumming
     And the heart keeps forming words
     Trapped by the hardened lips

And the heart,
Cloaked in onionpeels of steel
Caught in the inertia of ideologies
Between swollen bellies smiling for the camera
And children disappearing into the rescue of graves,
Keeps waiting for the delicate kiss
To unveil the sorrow of doves imprisoned there.

© farouk asvat

composed: 1985 [johannesburg, south africa under #apartheid
[§] Books by Farouk Asvat:

Sadness In The House Of Love (novel)
The Gathering Of The Storm (novel)
I Dream In Long Sentences (poetry)
The Wind Still Sings Sad Songs (poetry)
A Celebration Of Flames (poetry)
The Time Of Our Lives (poetry)
This Masquerade (short stories)
Bra Frooks … (poetry)*
The Paanies Are Coming (short stories)*
In The House Of Love (novel)*
Weapons Of Words (literary criticism)

¨ all my books are now available on amazon: in paperback & kindle
               § WINNER OF THE VITA AWARD  

""A Celebration of Flames" is a powerful, impassioned call. The sanity and courage of this collection arises from the poet's unique experiential perceptions of his milieu, making him one of the few who can write about these traumatic times with such lucidity and lyricism. The strength of Farouk Asvat's poetry lies in the way he intertwines the complex elements of social and political conflicts with intense personal relationships. The wide tonal range extends from sensual and delicate insights into the nature of passion to the satiric and humorous use of slang."
Vita Award citation

"Like hesitating snowflakes his words are fascinating in their capricious wilfulness - like unexpected strokes of a whip."
Susanne Baackmann, University Of Albuquerque, USA

"His love poetry soars with an intense sensitivity, it celebrates lyrically the joys of a most exquisite sensuousness."
● Marcia Leveson, University Of The Witwatersrand, The Indicator

""A Celebration of Flames" (is) a powerful, impassioned call.  I admire the sanity and courage of this.  Your position and perception make you one of the few who can write on this subject without obscenity."
● Lionel Abrahams, editor Purple Renoster & Sesame

"The legend of poet extraordinaire Farouk Asvat: - like vintage wine, proper poetry matures with time, and like vintage art the voice and wisdom of a poet worth the name is timeless."
● Mphutlane wa Bofelo, kagablog

"you almost catch your breath at some of the stanzas - you can re-read it several times and be struck by new ideas, metaphors, elegiac surprises, and the heartfelt poignancy"
● Aggrey Klaaste, editor Sowetan

"Out of an angry silence, a polished poet is born."
● Anton Harber, editor Weekly Mail

     Dutch translation by © Irene Scheltes

Er is teveel om achter te laten
Het bloed van volwassen worden
De roep van de voorouders
Het verlangen naar je geharde toon
Het voelen van geelbruin leem

Maar de zee fluistert
Banjo's blijven dansen
En het hart blijft woorden vormen
Gevangen door geharde lippen

     Het hart,
     Gehuld in stalen uienschillen
     Gevangen in trage ideologieën
     Tussen dikke buiken lachend voor de camera
     En kinderen verdwijnend in verlossende graven,
     Blijft wachten op de subtiele kus
     Om de droefheid bloot te leggen van daar gekooidc duiven.

          Dutch translation by kind permission of  © Irene Scheltes

     Greek translation by © Paulos Ioannou 

Υπάρχουν πάρα πολλά  να εγκαταλείψουμε
Το αίμα του μεγαλώματος
Το κάλεσμα των προγόνων
Η λαχτάρα για τους σκληρυμένους τόνους σας
Η αίσθηση της κανέλας

     Αλλά η θάλασσα συνεχίζει να ψιθυρίζει
     Και το μπάντζο συνεχίζει να παίζει
     Και η καρδιά συνεχίζει να σχηματίζει λέξεις
     Παγιδευμένη από τα σκληρυμένα χείλη

Και η καρδιά,
Ντυμένη με κρεμμυδόφλουδες από ατσάλι
Πιασμένη στην αδράνεια των ιδεολογιών
Ανάμεσα σε φουσκωμένες κοιλιές που χαμογελούν για την κάμερα
Και παιδιά που εξαφανίζονται στη διάσωση των τάφων,
Συνεχίζει να περιμένει το λεπτό φιλί
Να ξεσκεπάσει τη θλίψη των περιστεριών που φυλακίστηκαν εκεί.

     Greek translation by kind permission of © Paulos Ioannou 
[] acknowledgements:
There Is Too Much To Leave / There Is Nothing More To Say was previously published in:
A Celebration Of Flames (donker, p37, 1987);
Upstream 2(2) (edgemead, p13, autumn 1984);
Exiles Within (writers' forum, cape town, p1 & p6, 1985);
A Celebration of Flames (heller fund, uc berkeley, california, usa, p31, 1988);
Englisch Amerikanische Studien 10(2) (münchen, germany, p262, 1988);
Er Is Teveel Om Achter Te Laten: Dutch translation by Irene Scheltes (1989);
ΔΕΝ ΥΠΑΡΧΕΙ ΤΙΠΟΤΑ ΝΑ ΠΙΣΤΕΨΩ : Greek translation by Paulos Ioannou (2022);
Processed World 29 (processed world, san francisco, usa, p33, December 1992);
A Celebration Of Flames (piquant publications, p49, 2007);
A Celebration Of Flames (kindle, 2014);
A Celebration Of Flames (amazon paperback, p49, 2014).
as There Is Nothing To Believe In:
A Celebration of Flames (heller fund, uc berkeley, california, usa, p30, 1988);
Horses: Athlone (ekapa & buchu books, cape town, p15, 1988);
as There Is Nothing More To Say:
Upstream 2(2) (edgemead, p13, autumn 1984);
as part of There Is Too Much To Leave:
Exiles Within [part of] (writers' forum, cape town, p6, 1985);
Processed World 29 (processed world, san francisco, usa, p33, december 1992);
# composed: 1985 [Johannesburg, South Africa under apartheid].
(new edited version: 17.04.2012)
© farouk asvat.  All rights reserved.
Farouk Asvat asserts his moral right to be identified as the author of this work.
No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means whatsoever, or transmitted in any form or any means whatsoever, mechanical or electronic, including recording, printing, photocopying, or via any computerised means or media, including the internet.  This publication shall also not be stored in a retrieval system.  And the writing shall not be sold, lent, hired, resold or circulated in any form or binding or cover other than that in which it is published,
without the prior permission of the author in writing.
Permission to publish or reproduce the writings in any format can be obtained from the author.
Reproduction of this work without permission, except for scholarly & nonprofit purposes,
is liable to a payment of 10,000 yuan (ren men bi) or US$1,500.

the NOVEL Sadness In The House Of Love by Farouk Asvat
is now available on amazon: in paperback @ $20 & kindle @ only $5

#love #literature #fiction #novel #poetry #southafrica #apartheid #books #classics
#faroukasvat #weapons #of #words #comparative #literature #literary #criticism
#a #celebration #of #flames #there #is #too #much #to #leave


"Remember that the highest rank that the human species can reach is to be a revolutionary."
● Ernesto (Ché) Guevara

"Always be a poet, even in prose."
● Charles Baudelaire

"Read ten thousand books, and your pen will be guided as if by the gods."
● Ancient Chinese Proverb

#liberate #palestine
#stop #massacres
#stop #genocide

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