03 April 2012


© Farouk Asvat  

Swearing false oaths
Is a new truth with us.
How else
Does my sadness meet yours,
Eyes that could kill
Even the happiness
That comes to roost in my chest.

But your life is with others.
With others you are sad.
We of this hour steal what we can:
My face on the precipice of tears
Your warm breasts
On my quivering lips
Your sorrowful eyes
Full of compassion
And the infinite sadness
That comes into our hearts.
And still you go away
Ever further
As I grow nearer to you

Why do you not come again
Emptying my sorrows
So I could fill your hours with laughter
Oh to hear you laugh,
Laugh again, even once, my love
So that I will be happy
And you could return to your sad eyes

© farouk asvat

composed: 1985 [Johannesburg, South Africa under apartheid]

[] Acknowledgements:

Sadness was previously published in:

     A Celebration Of Flames (Donker, p45, 1987);
     A Celebration of Flames (Heller Fund, UC Berkeley, California, p37, 1988);
     Droefheid (Dutch translation by Irene Scheltes, 1988);
     A Celebration Of Flames (piquant publications, p58, 2007);
     www.faroukasvat-poems.blogspot.com (03.04.2012);
     A Celebration Of Flames (kindle, 2014);
     A Celebration Of Flames (amazon paperback, p57, 2014).
[§] Books by Farouk Asvat:

Sadness In The House Of Love (novel)
The Gathering Of The Storm (novel)
I Dream In Long Sentences (poetry)
The Wind Still Sings Sad Songs (poetry)
A Celebration Of Flames (poetry)
The Time Of Our Lives (poetry)
Bra Frooks … (poetry)*
The Paanies Are Coming (short stories)*
In The House Of Love (novel)*
Weapons Of Words (comparative literature & literary criticism)

¨ all my books are now available on amazon: in paperback & kindle
© farouk asvat.  All rights reserved.

Farouk Asvat asserts his moral right to be identified as the author of this work.
No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means whatsoever, or transmitted in any form or any means whatsoever, mechanical or electronic, including recording, printing, photocopying, or via any computerised means or media, including the internet.  This publication shall also not be stored in a retrieval system.  And the writing shall not be sold, lent, hired, resold or circulated in any form or binding or cover other than that in which it is published,
without the prior permission of the author in writing.
Permission to publish or reproduce the writings in any format can be obtained from the author.
Reproduction of this work without permission, except for scholarly & nonprofit purposes,
is liable to a payment of 10, 000 ren men bi or US$ 1,500.

farouk asvat can be contacted at: farouk.asvat@gmail.com

[] please check out my blogs @:

books by farouk asvat: www.faroukasvat-books.blogspot.com

[] also link up on:

amazon kindle author @ www.amazon.com/author/faroukasvat


     Dutch translation by © Irene Scheltes

Valse eden afleggen
Is een nieuwe waarheid bij ons
Hoe anders
Kan mijn droefheid de jouwe ontmoeten,
Ogen die zelfs
Het geluk kunnen doden
Dat op stok gaat in mijn borst.

Maar jij deelt je leven met anderen.
Bij anderen ben je bedroefd.
Wij plukken dit uur zoveel we kunnen;
Mijn gezicht aan de afgrond van trannen
Jouw warme borsten
Aan mijn trillende lippen
Jouw verdrietige ogen
Vol mededogen
En de grenzeloze droefheid
Die in onze harten komt.
En nog altijd ga je weg
Verderweg zelfs
Naarmaate ik dichter bij je kom.

Waarom kom je niet weer
Om mijn smart te lenigen
Dan kon ik jouw uren vullen met vreugde
O, jou te horen lachen
Lach weer, één keer desnoods, mijn lief
Zodat ik gelukkig zal wezen
En jij terug zou kunnen keren naar je droeve ogen

     Dutch translation by kind permission of © Irene Scheltes

the NOVEL Sadness In The House Of Love by Farouk Asvat
is now available on amazon: in paperback @ $15 & kindle @ only $5

#love #literature #fiction #novel #poetry #southafrica #apartheid #books #classics
#faroukasvat #weapons of words #comparative literature #literary criticism
#a celebration of flames #sadness

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