© Farouk Asvat
I remember
fall from the sky-
building of police headquarters
I remember too
speeding policevan
to a halt
the cop carrying the cat
the street
© farouk asvat
composed: `17.04.1973 [johannesburg, south africa under apartheid]
● This poem
refers to an event when a political prisoner
was hung outside a
window on the 10th floor of John Vorster,
as a threat and means
of torture,
and let fall
from the 10th floor to his death.
Strangely, I woke
up very early that morning
and from the roof of the building I was staying in
I witnessed the
cop carrying the cat off the street,
- at the very moment
he was killed.
[] acknowledgements:
I Remember was previously published in:
Time Of Our Lives (black thoughts publications, p17, 1982);
vuka (crescent
publications, durban, p16, 1981);
Time Of Our Lives (piquant publications, p32, 2007);
The Time Of Our Lives (kindle, 2014);
The Time Of Our Lives (amazon paperback, p32, 2014).
[§] Books by Farouk Asvat:
● Sadness In The House Of Love (novel)
● The Gathering Of The Storm (novel)
● I Dream In Long Sentences
● The Wind Still Sings Sad Songs (poetry)
● A Celebration Of Flames
● The Time Of Our Lives
● This Masquerade (short
● Bra Frooks … (poetry)*
● The Paanies Are Coming
(short stories)*
● In The
House Of Love (novel)*
● Weapons Of Words (literary
¨ all my books are now available on amazon: in paperback & kindle
[] please check out my blogs @:
weapons of words: https://faroukasvat-viewpoint.blogspot.com
piquante: https://faroukasvat-piquant.blogspot.com
streetwise: https://faroukasvat-lingo.blogspot.com
quran lectures: https://faroukasvat-quran.blogspot.com
biography: https://faroukasvat-bio.blogspot.com
books by farouk asvat: https://faroukasvat-books.blogspot.com
[] please join me on:
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/faroukasvat
twitter: https://twitter.com/faroukasvat
wikipedia @ https://en.everybodywiki.com/Farouk_Asvat
© farouk asvat. All rights reserved.
Asvat asserts his moral right to be
identified as the author of this work.
No part of this publication may
be reproduced by any means whatsoever, or transmitted in any form or any means
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of this work without permission, except for scholarly & nonprofit purposes,
liable to a payment of 10,000 YUAN (ren men bi) or US$ 1,500.
the NOVEL Sadness
In The House Of Love by Farouk
is now available on amazon: in
paperback @ $20 & kindle @ only $5
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#time #of #our #lives #i #remember
● poems @ https://faroukasvat-poems.blogspot.com
● linkedin @ https://www.linkedin.com/in/farouk-asvat-52a6b642
● wikipedia @ https://en.everybodywiki.com/Farouk_Asvat
● all my books @ https://www.amazon.com/author/faroukasvat